Resources to help you Let Go of the Stuff you no longer what you want or need. Be sure to contact them first and ask how they receive and what they receive.
Some may not be picking up because of the pandemic. Best to check out how they work. They can differ by locale.
Haulers 1800GotJunk
Charities that might take your stuff:
Salvation Army
Habitat for Humanity
Vietnam Veterans for America
Housing Works (NYC)
The Arc
Pickup Please
Furniture Bank Network Other resources to explore
Friends, Family who can be asked if they want what you loved and you are now ready to relinquish Local houses of worship Food Banks (who might know of other charities that take stuff)
Colleges and Universities Book sellers such as Abe Books
Strand Book Stores
Resellers of vinyl and CD recordings (check Google) 1st Dibs
Etsy Ebay
The world can be your "shop" when you are ready to let go of that which you don't need or love anymore Remember to thank your item and say goodbye. Photos of what's goin out can help too, for the memories.