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Writer's pictureNancy, the Empathic Organizer

Blow winds blow!

As February grays and grows to an end, we can think about what March will bring.

Now you can begin to think about Spring and summer which often merge into just summer. Are you ready to "investigate" your closet and determine what you really want in your lighter wardrobe? Are you open to sharing some of the contents of your closet with others either through donation, friends who will love what clothes you have had a good relationship with, or perhaps that garment or pair of shoes is now a candidate for the circular file?

Sorting through your next season's stuff can be a refreshing break from the day-to-day routine and an opportunity for discovery. I just found some credit cards that I had missed but didn't really need while I was organizing one of my dresser draws. Eureka! When you attack an area you have avoided for a while, there is a great sense of satisfaction on getting that part of you closet, your kitchen cabinets, your linen or outdoor clothes closet, your bathroom cabinet, your desk, your file cabinet in order. Wow. Now you can find that old scissors you loved or that pen you kept somewhere you know from your college days. Columbus couldn't have felt better than you. Really.

Enjoy the process and if it's truly too much of a challenge, there is always help at the touch of a keyboard and a swipe at your phone. Goodwill hunting, all.

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