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  • Writer's pictureNancy, the Empathic Organizer

Putting the pieces back together

Every day we are confronted with puzzles to solve and decisions to make.

It doesn't have to be difficult especially if we are open to asking for help.

Just like the new season we're in, our focus can wax and wane. Listen to your body and give it a rest when you feel you need it. That period of rest is a way to rejuvenate and ready you for the times you have to be productive.

Try to be aware of how your day goes.

What do you do when you get up? What times of day do you feel most able to get going on a project? When do you feel inspired, excited by the prospect of doing something for yourself? For others? We remain a communal society even in these isolating times of Covid-19.

Some people consider themselves morning persons. Some function better in the afternoon or evening. Or the night. You don't have to be a vampire to determine when energy levels are high enough to move towards your objectives. Where are you in this part of the puzzle?

What are the parts of your life that move you? Have you figured out how best to capitalize on those creative juices?

By prioritizing your goals, you can decide how you can realistically reach just one of them. Breaking objectives down into manageable pieces can lessen anxiety and create a well of calm as you move ahead knowing and feeling OK that you can only do so much. Realize you are human and that means you can do a lot but not everything at any given point of time. We are not octupuses (they are very smart) and all of us have limitations. Finally, remember to thank yourself for what you do. We often forget to give ourselves credit for what we do. That is the truly important part of the puzzle. Thank you to yourself as a wrap-up to good work is incentive for keeping at combining the pieces to make sense of what life hands us.

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